Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Installing BAR SINISTER @ Tiger Strikes Asteroid with artist Michael Macfeat!

Michael Macfeat: BAR SINISTER
Curated by Terri Saulin 
April 6 – 29, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, April 6th, 2012, 6-10pm
Hours:  Saturday and Sunday, 2pm-6pm and by appointment
319A North 11th Street 2H, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Michael Macfeat's prints and sculptures in Bar Sinister concern themselves with the issue of color, one through artifice and the other through the natural process of patina and entropy. They bracket the temporal extremes of twenty years of Macfeat's oeuvre. An ambiguity of meaning is apparent. Neither the sculptures nor the images are obvious but often stem from his life long love affair with reading. They rely on Macfeat's history as a bibliophile, accumulating and cultivating a compendium of quotes both visual and verbal. They become color coded strategic military maps drawn from his interest in 'Pataphysics, the Situationists and Psychogeography. Once codes are cracked and coordinates deciphered, the connection modulates between the Dialectical Materialism of the Arte Povera group and an intellectual
stroll through the arcades with the flâneurs, leisurely  walking lobsters at the end of the leash. Allow yourself ample time to savor and linger over beautifully turned words and ideas.

- Curators Note
My first contact with Michael Macfeat was back in the early 1980’s. He was invited to lecture at Moore College of Art and Design by our mutual friend Bill Walton. Mike told revolutionary tales and offered proof that it was possible to buck the system and take control of the white cube. Early in his career, Mike was busy blazing trails and creating models for DIY cooperative spaces like those cozily nestled at 319 N. 11th Street. He was curating shows and procuring alternative spaces, offering sheet rocking labor to property owners in order to show his stable of friends/artists. At a show he arranged in an empty store front on South Street, he even went as far as dressing two art handlers in white lab coats to switch paintings throughout an entire opening. This delicately choreographed action made it possible to squeeze 80 pieces into a space that would only hold 20. At a leisurely pace, the two handlers were able to change every painting in the gallery, creating an entirely different exhibition every 45 minutes. This is just one example of Macfeat’s brilliant, poetic and simultaneously hilarious approach to Culture Trade.

Presenting the work of Michael Macfeat at Tiger Strikes Asteroid is an honor and a long overdue Thank you for his inspiration and friendship.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Michael Macfeat: BAR SINISTER @ Tiger Strikes Asteroid

Sagittarius in Bullet Holes on a Pink Wall, 2012

Michael Macfeat: BAR SINISTER

April 6 – 29, 2012

PHILADELPHIA- Tiger Strikes Asteroid is pleased to announce the opening of its April exhibition, Bar Sinister, featuring works by Michael Macfeat, curated by TSA member,Terri Saulin.

Michael Macfeat's prints and sculptures in Bar Sinister concern themselves with the issue of color, one through artifice and the other through the natural process of patina and entropy. They bracket the temporal extremes of twenty years of Macfeat's oeuvre. An ambiguity of meaning is apparent. Neither the sculptures nor the images are obvious but often stem from his life long love affair with reading. They rely on Macfeat's history as a bibliophile, accumulating and cultivating a compendium of quotes both visual and verbal. They become color coded strategic military maps drawn from his interest in 'Pataphysics, the Situationists and Psychogeography. Once codes are cracked and coordinates deciphered, the connection modulates between the Dialectical Materialism of the Arte Povera group and an intellectual stroll through the arcades with the flâneurs, leisurely walking lobsters at the end of the leash. Allow yourself ample time to savor and linger over beautifully turned words and ideas.

Michael Macfeat: BAR SINISTER

April 6 – 29, 2012

Opening Reception: Friday, April 6th, 2012, 6-10pm

Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 2pm-6pm and by appointment


Tiger Strikes Asteroid is an artist-run and artist-curated exhibition space located at 319A North 11th Street, home to Vox Populi, Marginal Utility, Grizzly Grizzly, and Napoleon. Our goal is to connect the Philadelphia art scene to the global art community by showing the work of emerging artists from Philadelphia and other cities such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. 

promo: Bar Sinister from Timothy Buckwalter on Vimeo.

promo: Bar Sinister from Timothy Buckwalter on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Matt Frock is launching his new book on "Kickstarter!" ONLY 20 DAYS LEFT!

 Hello Friends, Family & Colleagues,
After four years of rewarding hard work, Matt Frock (my awesome husband) has written and illustrated Love Squared, a lovingly crafted work of fiction told in words and pictures for ages nine to ninety.

He is trying to raise the initial costs of running a first edition printing through "Kickstarter." Please consider visiting the link & supporting this wonderful project through your pledge/purchase of a signed, first edition copy of the book, or consider some of the other pledge options including original art works offered as rewards for your gracious support.

There are only 20 days left to fund this project!!!

Please check out Matt's Kickstarter book launch HERE!


Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. Every week, tens of thousands of amazing people pledge millions of dollars to projects from the worlds of music, film, art, technology, design, food, publishing and other creative fields.

A new form of commerce and patronage. This is not about investment or lending. Project creators keep 100% ownership and control over their work. Instead, they offer products and experiences that are unique to each project.

All or nothing funding. On Kickstarter, a project must reach its funding goal before time runs out or no money changes hands. Why? It protects everyone involved. Creators aren’t expected to develop their project without necessary funds, and it allows anyone to test concepts without risk.

Each and every project is the independent creation of someone like you. Projects are big and small, serious and whimsical, traditional and experimental. They’re inspiring, entertaining and unbelievably diverse. We hope you agree... Welcome to Kickstarter!


What could possibly be a better gift than a book about falling in Love & saving the world! Supporting a great project on Kickstarter is heartwarming. A good deed, indeed! For a generous & loving pledge of 25$, you will receive a copy of “Love Squared” signed with a message from the author. (my awesome husband Matt Frock)

Can you buy multiple books?

Hecks yes!
Just add $20 to any pledge for an extra book!

Happy Love Day!!!
(Feel Free to share the Love2 with friends!)
Thank you so much for your consideration!
- Terri

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matthew Frock: Love2 / Kickstarter Book Launch

Check Out Matt Frock's Kickstarter Book Launch! 
Love Squared First Edition For Sale on Kickstarter
Expect rapture – a bolt of inspiring lightning, instantaneously fracturing the mind at the moment of its mysterious conception. A vision if you like – from the like-minded genius of the author to your own noggin (we share the same mind, I’m reading your mind right now). Efficiently and concisely told, this is a story of fantastic brilliance – a crusading pilgrimage to the center of your beautiful and caring heart. It’s true what the experts say, “Love Squared will change your life forever!”
Details to follow about book release party at Brickbat Books in June!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The West Prize: Please consider voting for Terri!

Hello Friends,
(Please forgive this shameless-self-promotion-request!)

I have just completed an application for "The West Prize."
In short, The West Prize is a $25,000 prize, voted on & picked by the public through an iPhone app. (
It is a peculiar competition in that patrons can only "vote" if they have an Iphone.)
The "app" is free & can be found here.

(Like most new technology there are issues with getting the App to load consistently. If you get it to load, go to search, type in my last name, "Saulin" & then click on image of my drawing. My statement should come up, scroll to the right and the images will follow. There are 10 w/ a pink-highligted
"I Like" ... for the most votes, click "I like" for each image.... Oh boy, what a pain this is! Thanks for trying & for your patience. They never make "winning" easy! hahaha!) 
The artwork with the most votes by May 14th will win $25,000! 

For the "DIRTY DETAILS" of the whole process go here!
In the meantime, if you have the time and are so inclined, please vote for me.
(You can vote again every 24 hours... please do!)

Please feel free to forward this to any friends who you think may be interested!

To view my submission & vote please go to my page link.

A more comprehensive collection of my work & explanations can be seen here:

To go to the "West Collects" site click here.
The link is an excellent resource of Contemporary Artists ... Check it out & see what's going on out there!)

To download the West Collects iPhone app click here.

Keep this in mind when you feel ready because you should all apply!!!
...if you do please send me notice so I can vote!
Thank you so much for your consideration.

- Terri Saulin Frock