Uncle Guido was back for one day and had a plan in place to begin demolishing the old bathroom.
Karl and I could not get to it while he was away. I was frankly a little nervous about doing it and had visions of the entire back of the house falling down. I was sure we would end up in the trench with a claw foot tub over our heads. The process ended up being the most fun thing yet! I also conquered my ladder fear.
The lovely Lady K. stepped up and helped us for the day. We removed the shingles from the exterior, while Karl and Guido worked on the roof and interior.
Lady K. rocks and her best man Mojo came along for support. (Grace Jones did not know about this...she was snoozing on the third floor with a pile of treats and the big TV.)
He is the sweetest gentleman!
Demolition Man
Karl was filled with great bubbling joy a la Alex de Large throughout the entire day. He likes to wack things with hammers and kick them until they fall down.
He's been dying to throw this tub out the window...but we're saving it for Mojo's bath time.
There was plenty of other stuff to hurl out the window...like the wall surrounding it!
It was amazing how quickly it all came down.
...and oh so many adorable E-Harmony moments.
E-Harmony $$$ Shot! Priceless.....
Karl breaks on through to the other side.
Just a few cuts in this wall and it will go down easily.
There was this one tense moment when there wasn't much left to hold on to...
Lady K. looks worried!
But, all is well. Only one corner left.
Uncle Guido and Karl trained in the Bruce Lee style of demo...
....and the 2nd floor is gone!
YIKES! The rubble pile has grown considerably...what can I cook for dinner that could encourage some helping hands when the dumpster comes???
Karl decides to literally burn down the house. He fished through the rubble pile and got plenty of wood to heat us up as there was a storm heading in. I didn't really think it was going to snow too much. We were working out side all day with no coats. But a snow day would be magical...need that Polar Bear voodoo to work.
We checked out back on the new X-Bath deck and the first flakes were falling as was the temp.
Karl built some ragers.
Before we went to sleep we found out we would have our snow day!!!!
Double YIKES! The pile looks more daunting and closer to the 2nd floor covered in snow.
hmmmm...what voodoo do I have around for those helping hands...or will I have to steal some kids of the street Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang style???? (just kidding!)
It's still snowing now...is it possible to get two snow days????
It would be the best week ever!